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Fulton’s County Attorney wants to restrict citizens’ right to information

Fulton County’s top government attorney, Patrise Perkins-Hooker, recently proposed limiting the amount of open records requests one person or agency can make. Perkins-Hooker would like to restrict records requests to 15 per year with at least 10 days between each. Although the proposal states that this would not be applied to members of the media, it would still violate citizens’ rights to information. It would also prevent “citizens’ ability to observe the workings of their government,”

Better Georgia

Neo-McCarthyism and the hypocrisy of “Constitutionalists”

Not even a month after the election of Trump, hypocrisy seethes from the teeth of the so called Constitutionalists, both locally and nationally. As attempts to erode First Amendment rights and encourage neo-McCarthyism have become a daily occurrence, we must continue to hold conservatives, including the president-elect, accountable. Georgia’s Amendment 3 was created and put on the ballot by a crooked judge who was taken off of his bench for saying grossly inappropriate things to