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State Rep. Buzz Brockway wants to choose your U.S. Senator

State Rep. Buzz Brockway wants to take away your vote to choose who will replace retiring Sen. Saxby Chambliss in the U.S. Senate next year.

In fact, he doesn’t think you should be able to vote for a U.S. Senator ever.

Instead, he would like to cast that vote for you.

Rep. Brockway and a group of other Georgia Republican lawmakers have introduced a bill calling for the repeal of the 17th Amendment of the United States Constitution.

The bill, HR 273, has been assigned to the Judiciary Committee and has been read twice.

So much for democracy!

If passed by the Republican super majority, Georgia would become the first state in the nation to ask Congress to repeal the 17th Amendment.

If Rep. Brockway gets his way, the U.S. Senate would be subject to the same political district boundary manipulation that created today’s U.S. House of Representatives.

It would also bring back old-fashioned political machines like we haven’t seen for generations.

This bill is a terrible idea intended to further strip the power of the vote from American citizens.

It’s also a terrible waste of time.

Let’s hope that this bill goes no further than it has already and is nothing more than political fundraising material for Georgia’s radical Tin Foil Hat Caucus.

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